Nei, mér leišist ekki. Fékk žetta ķ tölvupóst. Įn grķns...

Ég get oršiš mešlimur Black Lives Matter og allt žetta fylgir:


Hi there mister Sigurjonsson, Einar! I have connections all around the world. I am a member of the UN Deep State. I can make all your dreams come true.
Do you wish to marry in to the British royal family?
Do you wish to marry in to the Bush, Clinton, Obama or Trump family?
Do you wish to become a Freemason?
Do you wish to join The Illuminati?
Do you wish to be a leader in the hidden over thousand year old occult Knights Templar?
Do you wish to be a Shot Caller in the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang?
Do you wish to become one of Hitler's disciples and control the European Union?
Do you wish to become a Colonel in a covert black operations in the United States military?
Do you wish to be a king in your country?
Do you wish to become one of the richest people on the planet?
Every single wish you have I can give you and it will not cost you a single dime. All I need from you is to join the Black Lives Matter movement and support us with a monthly fee of 100$. We have both Democrats and Republicans in our pocket. Making us the most powerful legal terrorist organization on the planet. We create kings. We create presidents. We create modern day leaders. Like I said it will not cost you anything. All you have to do is support our cause for two years with 100$ per month. We will make all your dreams come true! If you are smart you will get far fast. We have been watching you and your support to our Marxist cause. We know you are smart so we know you will get very far within our organization. This email has been sent to hundreds of thousands of people... So you must act fast if you wish to become a beneficiary in our organization. Like I said multiple times it will not cost you anything yet you will claim everything you ever wish for!!! Join our organization and pay 100$ every month for two years and you will become whatever you wish. Knowing C.I.A. F.B.I. MOSSAD. NSA. MI6. EEAS. INTERPOL, EUROPOL and the list is endless. Not one of these agencies will know your name. You will become a ghost with so much gold you could rebuild Libya by yourself. There is not a continent in this world you can not enter by yourself. No need for identification. You will control people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg. All this and everything you can dream of for free. Just join the Black Lives Matter movement and support us with 100$ a month for two years.
This is the day your children will look to you and either say "daddy, you did a great job joining BLM" or "daddy, you really messed up our lives". Yes, we know you are 35 years old and have one blond daughter and one young son. We are everywhere.
Mašur virkilega elskar svona vefpóst. Mynd af mér og fręnku minni og fręnda. Er aš verša 38 įra... Žetta er "frķtt en kostar 100 dollara į mįnuši aš vera mešlimur". Ég get virkilega oršiš hluti af Illuminati, eins og ég trśi į žaš bull. Svo ef ég vildi giftast inn ķ Bush, Clinton, Obama eša Trump fjölskylduna myndi ég gera žaš. Žyrfti enga utan aškomandi hjįlp aš reyna viš Chelsea Clinton eša Tiffany Trump. Svo framvegis, ofan į žaš hef ég séš Hillary Clinton... NEI FUCKING TAKK!!! Hśn var falleg ung en hśn er žaš ekki ķ dag. Foreldrar Trump barnanna voru falleg ung og eru žaš ennžį ķ dag. Žannig vęri ekki erfitt aš velja og er ekki erfitt aš skilja afhverju Bill Clinton hélt framhjį Hillary aftur og aftur og aftur og aftir... Chelsea er kannski falleg ķ dag eins og Hillary var einusinni. Eftir tvo įratugi, jafnvel styttra žį. Nei takk. Tiffany hinsvegar, jį takk ķ dag og eftir 40 įr.
En svo restin af žessu rusli, hvernig passar "Aryan Brotherhood" og "Black Lives Matter" saman? Eina sem mašur trśir af žessu öllu bulli er... Aš BLM į žessa tölvurisa, sama hve rķkir žeir eru... Samningurinn er, annašhvort brennum viš nišur ykkar fyrirtęki eša žiš geriš žaš sem viš segjum. Er žaš ekki? Fasismi ķ sķnu hreinasta formi. Hitler“s Disciples... For real? Ég virkilega elska hve mikiš žessi samtök geta gert fyrir mig frķtt eftir heil tvö įr af 100$ į mįnuši, 2400$ seinna. Ętli žį komi ekki "You have now shown your loyality however... We need to see more of your loyality. Three more years should do it with 250$ per month". Hugsandi, WHAT A EFFING FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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